Dr. Indalecio Gómez Interpretation Center

History and handicrafts of Molinos 

Just a few steps away from the iconic San Pedro de Nolasco de los Molinos church, in the heart of the town characterized by its beautiful colonial streets, Dr. Indalecio Gómez Interpretation Center is located in one of the many adobe houses with green carpentry. It invites you to appreciate the history of this little corner of the country, its illustrious owner and also the local artisans.  

Who was Indalecio Gómez? A key figure in the development of the Argentine Republic but almost unknown to the general public. 

Visiting his birthplace is a great opportunity to become aware of the magnitude of his work. 

Once you pass one of the small rooms where the landscape and nature of Molinos are described, you will find the area focused on history. There, the antique desk of the illustrious Indalecio Gómez, jurist and co-author of the Sáenz Peña Law, which in 1912 established the universal, secret and obligatory vote, was restored. 

It is interesting the area dedicated to the traditional Ceremony of the Alféreces that, as in no other point of the Valleys, honors and guards the Virgin of the Candelaria during the Patronal Festivities of Molinos.

The large central patio offers a beautiful view of the hills and serves as a stage for local shows. Also on display and for sale are the works of local artisans with their corresponding certificate of authenticity, origin and description of the product and even a contact telephone number. The prices at this museum are truly superlative.

@tripticity_ always values these projects that rescue local roots and enhance culture. Visitar su casa natal es una gran oportunidad para tomar conciencia de la magnitud de su obra.